Thursday 21 August 2014

Selena Gomez Tabloid Rumors Are ''A Bunch Of B.S.'': ''She Has Such A Good Head On Her Shoulders," Says Jamie Chung

Selena Gomez clearly has a following in pal Jamie Chung.

Sin City: A Dame Cathedral to kill for stars recently took a moment to chat with E! News and open about working with the brunette beauty, singing the praises of Selena while clapping her costar helm for his constant work ethic.

"Well, I've worked with Selena Gomez before when she was 15 ... She looked just like a big family," the 31-year-old stunner shared. "Your mum is amazing, she has a good head on her shoulders As."

"She is hardworking, she is humble, is good for fans and has always been so," continued Chung. "And now as a young woman, the strange, so I did not get to see it, but seeing the work she did an amazing job. And she's so talented."

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When asked if Gomez receives much flack in the tabloids than he deserves, Once Upon a Time star did not hesitate to defend the former Disney star.

"Yes, absolutely, that's a lot of B. S." Chung said. "I mean, his personal life is his personal life ... But she's a good woman and she comes from a good family."

Gomez and Chung next film will be released on October 17.

Meanwhile, the former reality star has been busy promoting the highly anticipated sequel to Sin City, which also stars Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke and Josh Brolin and hits theaters tomorrow.

Monitoring the successful 2005 based on the famous comic Frank Miller is bound to include plenty of wild action scenes, and Chung credits his previous training trick help prepare for filming.

"I think what is really having the experience," he said when asked about the rigorous training required for the film. "For Sucker Punch, we did fireworks, did weapons training, so I felt like that was really a plus for me in terms of making freestyle lifts with katana sword ... or shoot a bow and arrow. Really felt like that kind of wine in hand. "

Still, that does not mean that the thesp not found she terrified at times.

"There was a part that I like withdrew as a sling. So two guys are pulling me back like a slingshot human-they let go, and I flew as 20-30 ft and I had to stab my katana to. The camera was a cool shot and it was fun to do, "he shared before adding:” Did not think there was something really scary, however "

I speak of a star-both fear and off screen! Sin City: A Dame Cathedral to kill for will be released on Friday.

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